Bamboo Biodiversity

Bamboo Biodiversity

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bamboo in the Philippines: Community Resource

Quoted in the July 30th "Manila Bulletin," Philippine Senator Ernesto Herrera
said, "[We should move toward a culture] that truly promotes self-reliance
and people empowerment at the grass roots." If he had said "bamboo rhizomes" 
instead of grass roots, he would be telling the "Joe" Caasi story.
Merdonio C. "Joe" Caasi, 65, stands at the center of one of the few genuinely
successful, enduring rural development programs in the world. His work is 
founded on bamboo as one of the very few truly regenerative economic 
resources. He begins by proving that real economic development begins 
with community revitalization. His work defines the word "sustainable." 
Also, he proves that bamboo is more than just a plant.
Mindanao, the southernmost major island of the Philippine archipelago,
 has been devastated by all the downside effects of economic exploitation, 
governmental mismanagement, corruption and conflict imaginable. 
Add in centuries-long conflicts pitting valley against valley, 
community against community, religion against religion and the result is chaotic. 
In Davao Province, at the southeast corner of the island, the forests are gone. 
The soil pours down the hillsides collapsing the banks of rivers, 
washing out village and field in its headlong rush to the sea. In the rural areas,
about the only export activity left is banana plantations. Land reform, 
although long overdue, is creating dislocations in the transition from 
monocropping as well as the recently prevailing land tenure relationships.
On the banana plantations, Joe Caasi, former school teacher and trained 
community organizer, saw an economic niche to be filled by bamboo. As the
huge banana bunches mature, their heavy weight needs to be supported, 
propped up. As long as there had been wood, props came from the forests. 
With the wood gone or beyond economic access, plantations turned to bamboo. 
The wild bamboo groves were quickly threatened. The demand for strong, 
tough culms was phenomenal--millions every year. Joe developed his family
business by trucking props from the countryside to the plantations. 
By the early 80s,he saw that there would not be enough bamboo to meet
plantation demand. Bamboo was needed in almost phenomenal quantities.
Senator Herrera continued, ". . . growth that does not reach the household, 
growth that does not translate into jobs for the able- bodied, capital for the 
enterprising, schools for children, healthcare for the sick and aged, growth 
that does not allow parents and children to spend their best years together 
is growth that makes fuel of the lives and energies of the many for the benefit 
of the few. It does little to ease tensions in our midst. Instead it breeds 
discontent and dissent."
As most members of the American Bamboo Society know, vegetative 
propagation of bamboo is slow and labor intensive work. Joe, his sons and a 
few others started the laborious process of planting bamboo. 
You can read the details in "Propping Life with Bamboo," by Gerrard Rikken, 
a German researcher, published 1994 by the Asian Social Institute. 
In 1987, after extensive experimentation in increasing propagation rates,
Jodel Caasi, Joe's oldest son, Roger Cervantes and Nilo Lucas, two leaders 
of the MACO Cooperative Chapter, saw the critical step needed to open the 
way to large scale bamboo propagation. 
With that breakthrough, propagation quickly resulted in hundreds of thousands 
of propagules annually. Joe increased his community organization work to match
and by 1989, the Davao Bamboo Development Cooperative [DBDC] was on its way. 
Joe sold land to pay for the work, he organized his extended family and other 
community networks, he guaranteed to buy every culm produced. 
Joe's energy, his commitment and all his personal resources focused on bamboo
as a community revitalization resource. Today, having sold his family business 
to the cooperative, he is on a mission to expand bamboo utilization as a rural 
community revitalization tool.
Among common bamboo [kawayan] species of the Philippines are:
1)       Laak, (Sphaerobambos philippinensis),
2)       Kawayan tinik (Bambusa blumena),
3)       Kawaya tiling (Vulgaris),
4)       Botong or patong (Dendrocalamus latiflorus),
5)       Bolo (Gigantochloa levis),
6)       Kayali (Gigantochloa atter)
For bamboo propping, Caasi and his associates settled on Laak. With an annual demand from banana plantations of over 12 million props, the market opportunity justified full-out expansion of cultivated bamboo. Additional effort went into Kayali for bamboo shoot production.
What can we learn from Joe Caasi's work in the Philippines? 
First, large scale vegetative propagation of bamboo can be done without
massive capital investment or technically specialized workers.
Second, bamboo can be the focus of equally large-scale 
community revitalization efforts. 
Third, to succeed, any bamboo-based development scheme must be based in 
an appropriate and accessible end-user market. 
Fourth, to support bamboo development as an economic resource, infrastructure needs to be developed in parallel.
In subsequent articles, I will explore these points in more detail. Joe Caasi
and I are working on a concise paper detailing the propagation methods as
they have matured. Currently, Joe Caasi is working in Laguna Province on
Luzon, the largest and northernmost island of the Philippines. Meeting
microclimate differences between this location and the Davao area of
Mindanao, Joe and his son had to adapt their techniques. Although his
contract with Laguna Province calls for 300,000, Joe expects to produce
1,000,000 propagules this year. 
"Amazing" may be the best word to describe Joe Caasi. Indeed, a bamboo of a man!
 Joe Caasi - may you remind us always, wherever you are now, that we one world to live, one earth to save....
Rimmon A. Paren
Social/Rural Development Consultant
0908  467 7004/ 

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